Sunday, May 23, 2010

My favourite animal

Since I started to watch TV series related with animals (Animal Planet, National Geographic, Discovery Channel...), I did focus my attention in the programs who showed the animals sanctuary or refuge. One day, I saw one of this progams about elephants sanctuary in Africa and I loved it. Since that, I consider the elephants like a wonderful and an interesting animal that we must to help and take care.
The aim of this text will be explain you more deeply the elephant's characteristics and, with it, why I made this choice. To me it's very simple, but maybe you are thinking that the elephants are huge mosters with four legs that will kill you if it can. Having say that, I start this kind of ode to the elephants.
This gray animal is a mammal who lives in Africa and Asia, in fact we can find two species: the African and the Asian Elephant. The former belong to the genus Loxodonta and the latter to the genus Elephas. We can difference them, in the following pictures, by their ears and size, among other things; African elephants are biggest than African in relate with the ears and size. They both are herbivores species and live between 50 to 70 years, having a period of gestation of 22 months, the most larger of the animals. A thing that is incredible, in my point of view, is that they have irrigates ears that function like a corporal temperature controller, as can be seen when it's hot, they move their ears like a mechanism to down their temperature and maintain it constant.

Unfortunately, the elephants are threatened species, because they are poaching for different uses. Despite the fact that these animals can perfectly squash a person, they can't hide or run quickly from a gun. Furthermore, as we saw before, they have a longest gestation period, difficulting the job of leave descendents. These conflict has reduced their numbers to 400 to 500 hundred by the end of the century.
Like human, is our responsability repair the mistakes that commit our specie. I want to go to Africa and help them, save the last African elephants in the world working in a sanctuary or in a refuge. I'm not too far, I'm already giving my first step studying veterinary medicine. We can't lost this specie like we are doing with the Polar Bears and many others species. This is the reason, in a few words, for that I chose the elephants and why I'm studying this career.

1 opinions:

Miss said...

Since I started to watch TV series related with animals (Animal Planet, National Geographic, Discovery Channel...), I did WF focus my attention in the programs who showed the animals sanctuary or refuge. One day, I saw one of this progams about elephants sanctuary in Africa and I loved it. Since that, I consider the elephants like a wonderful and an interesting animal that we must to help and take care.
The aim of this text will be explain you more deeply the elephant's characteristics and, with it, why I made this choice. To me it's very simple, but maybe you are thinking that the elephants are huge mosters with four legs that will kill you if it can. Having say that, I start this kind of ode to the elephants.
This gray animal is a mammal who lives in Africa and Asia, in fact we can find two species: the African and the Asian Elephant. The former belong to the genus Loxodonta and the latter to the genus Elephas. We can WF difference them, in the following pictures, by their ears and size, among other things; African elephants are biggest than African in relate with the ears and size. They both are herbivores species and live between 50 to 70 years, having a period of gestation of 22 months, the most larger of the animals. A thing that is incredible, in my point of view, is that they have irrigates ears that function like a corporal temperature controller, as can be seen when it's hot, they move their ears like a mechanism to down their temperature and maintain it constant.

Unfortunately, the elephants are threatened species, because they are poaching for different uses. Despite the fact that these animals can perfectly squash a person, they can't hide or run quickly from a gun. Furthermore, as we saw before, they have a longest gestation period, difficulting the job of leave descendents. These conflict has reduced their numbers to 400 to 500 hundred by the end of the century.
Like human, ^ is our responsability repair the mistakes that WWcommit our specie. I want to go to Africa and help them, save the last African elephants in the world working in a sanctuary or in a refuge. I'm not too far, I'm already giving my first step studying veterinary medicine. We can't lost this specie like we are doing with the Polar Bears and many others species. This is the reason, in a few words, for that I chose the elephants and why I'm studying this career.
well done! do you know Ivannia? she also chose the elephants so you might some things in common.

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