Monday, April 26, 2010

My second term of 2009

It was different in all the senses...In the school, I saw very distant the idea of enter to the university, and in the term of 2009, I was ending my first year in it. It's crazy, It's like my first step to be a veterinary doctor...part of my dreams is that.
So, I ended the year a little bit stressed. In the school, I wasn't accustomed to that kind of pressure, but in the university I had to study every day, complement my notes with books and limit my playtime.
November was stressful, I had one or two tests every week and the classes was all the day, so in my evening I was just studying. I relaxed watching tv: The news and "Dónde está Elisa?" was my breaks. I had celebrations too, like birthdays and Chile's world cup clasification (I didn't get lost any football game).
Then, in december, I returned to Viña to start my holidays. It was my first time voting for a president...first, I had to inscribe me and I remember the date, it was in september 11th, the last term for the inscription, I went with my sister after arrived from Santiago. It was a difficult decision to me, I couldn't decide between vote or no. Finally, I said yes and I didn't repent, but lamentably my candidate didn't win :(.
In Christmas I was with my family and for the New Year I was with my friends. It was a cool month and I slept a lot :D.
In conclusion, It was a big change, timeless maybe? But I like to think that it will have rewards...just Carpe Diem :B

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I have a vague remember from the "yellow busses", I taked it with my mom when I was a child. It just was another bus that worked like Viña's busses does nowadays. So, I don't have a formed opinion about the past, but I think It wasn't very different from the transport of the cities of Chile. It's dangerous, the busses going very quickly and it's just because drivers don't receive a stable salary.

I hated the actual system, because, a day when I came to Santiago and I didn't live here so I hasn't a "Bip!", I couldn't take a bus. Also, the last year, I lived in Independencia and the busses didn't stop in their parades, so I decided to walk to the subway (this means 15-20 minutes app.). When the busses stoped, there were a lot of people, everything was wet in summer and in winter your movement were moreover limited.
The subway is cool, It ever liked me, except the line 1. I travel in line 2, It goes quickly and I have a sit all the time...I can read, study, sleep and listen to music sleeping, studing or reading. But line 1 is the worse, when I go to Viña with my baggage I have to look for a space in the coach, for me and my baggage...It's an odyssey! I stand up in the platform watching and waiting for a divine space in the subway...It's ever in the 4th or 5th subway that pass.
I hate that water who sales from the ventilators, It's disgusting, and the places with many people, It's stressing.
However, I have to get used that the capital has an over poblation and the better transport solution is Transantiago, of course with a better organization and education; people just want to arrive to their jobs in the morning and to their houses in the night, someones lose the respect and they haven't problems with pushing or insulting other persons. But it's cheaper, safe, with big busses, clean...somo busses have security cameras and there are also disable entries.
I think and repeat, It could function better fixing people education, if in a year I saw the death, I can imagine how the people are tired, they deserve a better quality of live but they need to learn to be good persons too.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A kind of presentation


Welcome to my new English blogger. This is a good tool for improve my redaction, orthography and vocabulary, where I ever fail. I’m very exciting whit this class, because I want to speak fluid English someday and study or work in another country…my preference: Africa. This country is one of my principal motivations. I’d like to know the culture, people, animals…everything!

I’ll present me with pictures that remembers me happy moments and important persons in my life…

They are my friends from Viña, we were in the beach of Cobquecura the year of 2009 in our vacations. It was so cool :)

They are mi friend from the university...doctors in the future. I met them the last year and I laugh a lot whit them

And this is me! In this picture, I were eating ice cream with my dad in Bravissimo. I live in Viña with mi parents and sisters, in Santiago I live with my friend Maka, she studies photography.

I hope that you enjoy my blogger, have a nice day, moth, year and life :D